Dore Garden Club


Dore Garden Club was established in 2008 to encourage local interest in and enjoyment of gardening and growing. Our members include keen gardeners, allotment holders and house plant enthusiasts.

Talks are held on the third Wednesday of the month from March to November (with the exception of August) in Dore Methodist Church, 3 Savage Lane, Sheffield, S17 3GW. Doors open at 7.10pm and the evening runs from 7:30 pm to approximately 9:00 pm.

Membership is open to all and costs only £18 for 8 meetings. A warm welcome is also extended to visitors who pay £4 per event on the door. 

The Club holds a varied programme of talks and occasionally demonstrations which appeal both to gardeners and those interested in nature and the local landscape. This year’s programme can be found below.

A popular feature is our plant table where members can bring any spare plants of their own to sell and buy new ones. Proceeds are shared 50%-50% with the club. Some of our speakers also bring a selection of their bulbs and perennials to sell.

As well as the monthly meetings there is an annual coach trip to gardens and other sites of interest.  In July 2025 we are organising a coach trip to RHS Wentworth Woodhouse. Visits in recent years have included Norwell Nursery near Newark, Breezy Knees Nursery near York and English Heritage’s Brodsworth Hall and Gardens.

Dore Garden Club Programme 2025



19 March



Jayne Conquest

Garden for Year Round Interest




Garden open for NGS


16 April



Mark Padgett

Why Alpines?


Alpine Nursery Owner



21 May



Graham Appleby

Bees, wasps & ants


Rivelin Valley Task Team Leader and Conservationist



18 June



Jo Peatfield

A Year in Practice as a Head Gardener



Head Gardener at a private Derbyshire

Property (former Chatsworth Trainee)



16 July



Hilary Hutson

Flowers & Gardens of the Canaries



Lecturer and photographer



17 Sept


Michael Myers

Small bulbs & Snowdrops throughout the year

Plantsman and Lecturer


15 Oct



Don Witton

People, Plants, Pleasures & Passion

Lecturer and Plantsman specialising in Euphorbias



19 Nov




Dr Michael Klemperer

Mount Grace Priory: Chris Beardshaw’s Arts & Craft style Garden


Senior Gardens Advisor for English Heritage since 2016


For further information please contact:


Shirley Hillitt, Membership Secretary on 0114 2368444 or email: or Chair, Janet Hewitt on 0114 2350434


Dore Garden Club is managed by a committee which is elected at the Annual General Meeting




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